Friday, September 12, 2008


In the interests of self-promotion and in the interests of promoting awareness of what is basically just a good idea, I'd like to tell everyone about authonomy.
It's a platform/online community for authors to air and share their works, developed by Harper Collins, allowing authors to upload all or part of a given book and any registered members to read and review them, offering helpful comments and criticisms and/or recommending them to friends. And as an added bonus, Harper Collins will actually consider the top five reads at the end of each month.
So naturally it serves me to announce that I've posted a third of one of my novels on the site, but more than that, as I mentioned, I just happen to think it's a neat idea. And I recommend my author friends to go upload some work of theirs and give it a whirl, and recommend my reader friends to go check it out and see what's on offer.
And if anybody happens to read my modest sample of sci-fi comedy, (the link to which should work once you've registered at the site, but if not search for the works of one 4dprefect) well, so much the better!
Hopefully, I'll be uploading more of my work there as time goes on. Watch this space - and, er, that one as well.


Stuart Douglas said...

Hey, sci-fi comedy - my favourite genre mix!

Looks interesting, how can I resist?

SAF said...

Cool, I was hoping it would appeal. I'm thinking I ought to publicise this on Quibble too, get all the authors on there to post some of their works as well, perhaps.

Stuart Douglas said...

I think you should - nothing lost for anyone.

Stuart Douglas said...

...if they put something up (that was meant to finish)