Evil UnLtd(TM)made it to the all-important Top 5 over at authonomy on Friday night. The witching hour on what has now been renamed EVIL DAY. So huge huge thanks to everyone who supported it and now it's just a case of waiting to hear what Harper Collins have to say.
Either way the experience has confirmed that Evil UnLtd(TM) is a hot property. The responses it met with were on the whole AMAZING. Lots and lots of laughs *and* something like 97% approval from its readers, who will all rush out and buy it when it makes it to the book stores. And all in time for next year when sci-fi comedy will be back in the spotlight, courtesy of the sixth Hitch-Hikers book by Eoin Colfer and, I gather, a handful of Red Dwarf specials being made, plus a slight hiatus for the ever popular Doctor Who from our screens. There is a clear window there for the launch of some new, quality commercial sci-fi comedy. And not just a book, but a brand, a franchise, a hot - Evil - potato. :)
So my task has been made clear: find a publisher for this soon.
Many thanks again to all those who supported the book and any authors who are looking in might consider looking to authonomy as a very useful resource. Even setting aside the whole business of the charts and the rankings, this confirmed to me that I had something. And that's invaluable, because often when we look at what we've written ourselves, we might think it's good but we can never really be sure until someone else has had a look. And on authonomy there are a lot of someone elses, with really helpful support and critique to offer.
Think about it. Or just pop over and read some Evil UnLtd(TM). The sample chapters will be up there for another month or so as we await the Harper Collins verdict.
Oh and I've uploaded a children's fantasy adventure there too now, so feedback on that one would be very welcome too!
Simon, I have no doubts that you will indeed find a publisher for Evil.
Ohh! Looky! A linky to my bloggy!
I'm watchin' yer, Forward. Any funny business and I'll 'ave yer...
Funny business? From me?
*looks innocent*
Meanwhile, thank you as always for your support, Lauri. You're triffic. :)
Hi Simon, I said I'd wander over and have a look....it's nice here, isn't it. Do you serve coffee?
We certainly do. Cream and sugar? :)
I've been coming here for *ages* and I've never been offered so much as a Rich Tea, never mind coffee!
Well done on the much deserved authonomy success. And yes, you must get it published even if HC don't snap it up. Fingers crossed that their editor's comments are useful at the very least.
And thanks for linking to my blog. You forced me to go off and learn how to use blogroll so I could return the favour!
Stuart: "I've been coming here for *ages* and I've never been offered so much as a Rich Tea, never mind coffee!"
Lol. It's a new feature. :)
*starts handing out complimentary coffees for all*
Too late Saffy, I know how it works.
It's like swapping from Virgin TV to Sky, the new customers get all the perks whilst the old ones (the ones that stuck with you through the ghost writing job from Hell and the reviews of Peter Gabriel concerts:-) get ignored...
Just remember, I could start reading Jon Blum's blog instead!
"Just remember, I could start reading Jon Blum's blog instead!"
Now I know you're pulling my leg :)
Who Jon Blum?
Difficult to explain Keefie. He is an author with quite a reputation in Doctor Who fandom.
SAF: "Difficult to explain Keefie. He is an author with quite a reputation in Doctor Who fandom."
Ooh, diplomatically done Simon :)
Saying that, Jon Blum is a very good writer - if only he wasn't quite so sure he was right all the time...
Simon, if HC don't immediately snap up Evil UnLtd for their publication list, they'll be worthy winners of the Complete Dilbert of the Year Award...
With all the support you've had from Authonomists, your book is bound to sell like babel fish translators on a foreign planet (Definitely count me as one of your buying public - can I have a signed copy in Mystic Mustard Ink, please?)
Thanks heaps for your support of my work, mate. It means heaps!
Miranda :o)
You're a star, Miranda, thank you. And I know I said I'm going to buy your album when it comes out, but if HC does go for Evil, I'm going to buy several and give them to my friends :)
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